NaNoWriMo 2012

Nov 08, 2012 08:17

[Note, I have not edited a thing, and yes I know I'm slow on the uptake.]

she looked at the robes she'd been given by the selection committee for her descent ceremony, the pale pale blue looked silvery in some lights, bringing a smile to her lips. because it wasn't quite white, the robe made her wings almost shine in their whiteness, the purer colour radiant. she needed to hurry to get to the ceremony on time, but she was no longer a cherub and she was beginning to rush through everything a lot less. there was never anything to worry about in heaven, even those chosen by the selection committee were unworried by the prospect of descent.

Descending to walk amongst the people of Penta was a thrilling prospect, she could feel a tingle in her wings as she thought about what it would be like to be there, walking beside them rather than watching as guardians from afar. She wouldn't be as powerful, something about the descent changes an angel, but she would be much closer and able to interact more directly with the people. How could that be anything but exciting?

She scurried out of her chambers, the last time she would see them unless or until she was able to return to heaven. Some chose never to ascend after their time, though they were forced to return if they refused to voluntarily. That was the worst, when an angel turns their back on heaven in favour of remaining on Penta and allowing all their feelings to compell them. She hoped she would never lose her way so greatly that she would have to face the Exorcists.

In the hall she met up with two of the others who would be descending at the same time with her. The last was either well ahead of them, or lingering somewhere behind. They greeted each other, a trill of excitement flowing between them with the electric buzz of power passing over their wings the moment they launched into the air to carry them the last distance to the descnding platform. Mystery solved, the smallest of their number was there waiting patiently with a beatific smile, the only sign of anticipation for the ceremony being the early arrival.


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