What is this contest about? I will be making a hand craft Plushie for ONE person. It will be a custom made plushie of the fandoms listed (we can discuss other fandoms). The plushie will come with extra things the character usually carries with them. The plushie will be made of felt and other needed materials.
Fandaoms/Characters accepted: -Supernatural: Dean, Castiel -Doctor Who: 11th Doctor, 10th Doctor, Amy Pond (other characters must ask to see if they will be accepted) -Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Snape, Cedric Digorry, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood -Whedonverse: Buffy, Mal, River, Simon, -Smallville: Chloe, Oliver, Bart -Marvel Universe: Iron Man, Captain America, Loki -DC Universe: Batman -ZOMBIES ACCEPTED -Other characters also if asked and I give the okay on.
Rules: -All you must do is post a comment here and you will be accepted for ONE entry. If you add a link to this entry with the communities name in your journal you can get and extra entry making the total of 2 entries. (Please post the link to your journal entry in this post to be accepted as a second entry). That simple. -Anyone can enter. -Out side of the US is also accepted.
Winner will be chosen: Winner will be chosen by a random generator. (random.org)
Deadline: -Contest entry will start March 10, 2012 and end will March 16, 2012.
Contest Winner: -Contest Winner will be announce on March 17, 2012. -The winner will be notify through Livejournal PM to discuss their character. Their prize will be send out by April 17, 2012.