Sep 03, 2009 15:45
I stamped out all the work fires by 1pm and have been taking care of personal fires since. My root canal was completed at the end of June, I think, and a little bit of the temporary crown disappeared during today's lunch. Oops. Plus, my follow-up with the specialist who did the root canal is next Friday. She expects there to be a permanent crown in place. My dentist's next available appointment is on the 21st. D'oh. Scheduled that and rescheduled the specialist's appointment.
Maryland nephew's birthday is next week. Gifts have been ordered and should ship directly to him soon.
Hubbyfink is currently wrestling the tub spigots which decided to fail spectacularly this morning. The hot water has been getting harder and harder to shut off. Today it just wouldn't no matter how tightly we twisted the spigot. Hubbyfink shut off the water -- with my approval -- before he left for work and I pretended I was at Cooper's Lake during my dribbly, chilly shower this morning.
Tonight I have an appointment with an admissions counselor at Westwood College in Annandale. It's not good enough to simply despair about my job; I still have another 30 years or so of employment (hopefully) ahead of me and I should do something I enjoy. So I looked up schools offering degrees in interior design and this one is fairly close by. I could finally get my Bachelor's and it would put me on a track for something I'd not only enjoy but also be good at. I'm terrified about this meeting. I know I don't have to make a decision now or tonight or even this month. But still... it's something new and scary. And crazy expensive. And I'll have to figure out how to balance my wonky work schedule with classes.
I don't have to decide anything right now. Breeeeeathe.
And... during the middle of typing this, Bossman sent me an Ovation Award notice for all my hard work during budget season. I got a little teary.
home improvement,
dental woe