There and back again and then another there and back again

Nov 27, 2012 13:53

Two weeks ago, I was the Dallas suburb of Richardson attending Juniper routing protocol training and meeting the Texas-based part of my work organization. The class itself was poorly taught, but my team mates and I -- who took a similar course this summer in Columbus -- caught on to more of the hows and whys during the lab practicals. The best part of the trip, by far, was the ability to schmooze face-to-face with people who I've known for years via email and conference calls. Oh, and since my Columbus team mates and I shared not only a hotel but also a rental car, I got to know Dennis and Ryan a lot better. There were a LOT of late nights: the final night in town was the first time we returned to our rooms before 11pm. There was a lot of drinking and a LOT of eating. Everything truly is bigger in Texas. We even caught an IMAX showing of "Skyfall" and it was fantastic.

I got home late on the 16th and wound up missing Holiday Faire on the 17th because I slept most of Saturday. Sunday and Monday were spent catching up on laundry and getting the house back into some semblance of shape before heading off to the outskirts of Murphy, NC, on Tuesday for the yearly family Thanksgiving reunion.

Hubbyfink must've bent space while I napped Tuesday morning because we made EXCELLENT time to Trisha's cabin. Our 10 hour drive took only 9.5, and that was with a 30 minute lunch break! I kept the speedo under 80 (most of the time) through the Smokies, so Hubbyfink must've been HAULING through the Shenandoah. Not only did we arrive at the cabin before dark, we arrived a full thirty minutes before the rest of my side of the family.

The days were cool and sunny while the nights were cold and clear. We built a couple of bonfires; visited and shopped the picturesque main street of Blue Ridge, GA; played our typical cut-throat game of Scrabble; watched the Macy's parade; watched the Redskins trounce the Cowboys; played Legos (I contributed the turkey to the cause) and puzzles with the little ones; hiked Trisha's mountainous "neighborhood"; and set foot in exactly one chain store for groceries. Everyone loved my little car and I even let Mom drive it to and from Georgia.

We got home not-too late Saturday night and caught up on our DVR'd shows while the cats showered us with oh-thank-god-you're-home-we-missed-you-so-much affection.

vacation, work, family, holiday

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