yesterday's elections leave me with a feeling that is something vaguely akin to optimism... though i am having a hard time distinguishing it for sure because i seem to have forgotten what optimism actually feels like.
i voted on the way home - around 8:30am EST, along with various other errands i had to run (getting gas, toiletries at cvs, returning library books etc). and, in an apparent anomoly, walked right in and out of the polls. there was not one person my age voting, though one dude was standing outside holding a deval patrick sign. i am somewhat annoyed by the lack of consideration that a hefty chunk of my generation gives to anything political. not that i can blame them, seeing as the mere mention of the word politics causes most people's brains to shut down one way or another (due to overexcitement, stubbornness or disgust). but that's the fucking problem with america(ns). we have trained ourselves to tune out anything that is undesireable in life. just pretend it doesn't exist. get a bit annoyed when the subject comes up, change the subject to something preferable (say, music or a social inquiry into whether or not ashley simpson is a proper roll model for young girls given her penchant for rhinoplasty) and hope that the conversation does not meander back into the woods. (at least this time we're not all little red riding hoods! little boy blue is finally blowing his horn!! and what!)
the southern california money still has a thing for the terminator - which baffles me to no end, but then again, i can not bring myself to take CA seriously (apart from parts of SF and the East Bay). i mean, LA has pretty much been a city that wants to appear "cutting edge" and "multifaceted" but always ends up becoming somewhere that good artists go when they can no longer escape the strongholds of addiction, and languish in the dodgy world of keeping up appearances.
also, speaking of appearances, did anyone else notice how handsome nebraskan democratic congressional candidate
Scott Kleeb is? i think its strange that he did not win. america's other favorite passtime: electing the most aesthetically pleasing officials. hey, people gotta look good too, right?
i voted, ironically, for the most homely of candidates in the MA gub. race. go figure. and it is not because of some deep-seeded need to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. i actually felt that Grace Ross had the best ideas, the most realistic outlook, and... if you can believe it... actual sincerity. in politics! yes, folks, anything is possible.
in other news i've joined a poetry group. i'm officially a "joiner." if anyone is around thursday afternoon (4-6p) and in the quincy area, you're welcome to join us. we'll all be joiners. call me or send me an email at if you want to meet up.
tonight i am going to see placebo with manda. cool.