My first tutorial posted here, so I'm sorry if it's a little rocky.
Go from this:
to this:
1. Grab your image; sharpen it, if you want. Duplicate your base; set it to Screen, 100%.
2. Make a new Curves layer, and put in 2 points. Set the first one to 76, 112 and the second one to 178, 214.
3. Make a Color Balance layer. Put in these settings:
Midtones: 23, -12, 19
Shadows: -10, 9, 10
Highlights: -6, 11, 8
4. Make a Selective Color layer, and put in these settings:
Red: -48 / 16 / -43 / -14
Yellow: -21 / -12 / 26 / 19
Neutral: 7 / -6 / -3 / 17
5. Duplicate your base and drag it to the top. Set it to Soft Light at 48%.
6. Make a new Fill layer, and fill it with #fcff08 (yellow) and set it to Soft Light at 26%.
7. Make another Fill layer, fill it with #312100 (brown), and set it to Exclusion, 79%.
8. Last step! Make another Selective Color layer and put in these settings:
Red: -100 / 33 / 0 / 0
Black: 55 / 65 / 58 / 100
And you're done! I hope this was at least a bit useful.