I must say I'm a bit stunned to find that there's Stargate Atlantis/Blackadder crossover fanfiction to be found on the interwebs... Who would have thunk it! Found it while being bored and feeling like reading some crossover fic, which I found over at
crossoverfic .
Title: The Hero of P4X 588
chaletian Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Blackadder
Rating: PG
Summery: Edmund Blackadder’s latest incarnation is as an officer on Atlantis. Together with faithful companions Dr Percy Northumberland (botanist), Lieutenant George and their Athosian guide Baldrick, he performs acts of extreme bravery and gallantry thoughout the wilds of the Pegasus galaxy.
Story can be found over here.
I was amused to say the least. :)