Ungodly hour

Apr 21, 2008 09:48

Had to get up before the ungodly hour that is 6am today. Why it is ungodly? Because I usually don't get wake up until 9am, so to wake up and catch the bus to my Grandfather's house is something that is something I'm not used to - especially when I've been here for over two hours now (it's barely 10am here now) and I've been here for over two hours now.

I'm really not much of a morning person, but I usually have little problems to get up early if I really have to - like today. Mama and Aunt M had an appointment at babysis's Uni, dental hygenist appointment for a fraction of the cost since they'll be the patients of hygenist-students. Which is why I'm at Grandpa's, because I'm filling in for Aunt M who usually helps Grandpa out during the day. He needs someone to help him get up at times, because he is 95+ years old. Granpa and I have already had some breakfast, and now he's having a little nap before we go out for a walk. Also, Grandpa is awesome. He's got awesome stories, done awesome things, and likes to just chill and watch tv. I remember watching Star Trek TOS with him (and the movies) as well as watching MacGyver with him. XD

I'll get cracking on lunch after the walk and whenever I have time, I'll be trying to get some work done on the essay... Still got lots to do before I can really get started on the writing of the actual essay. Will be re-watching the two adaptations of Sense and Sensibility today and look up quotes from one of the reference books. We'll just have to wait and see how that goes. And I've got work at 5pm to boot. -_-'

Blah, I think i've been bitten by a mosquito... It's a bit early for the season, I should think, but it's itching like hell.

family, school, tv, work

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