Well, since Lj managed to fuck up the first draft of this post, i must once again write it. That's right Lj, you fail. >_<
Righty-o, might as well start by bringin up my Uni teacher which i'm sure most of you have heard me ranting about. You know her, the one who insists on pronouncing Quixote as 'quick-so'... Well, she's still pronouncing it that way, and not only that, but it seems that it's spreading! D: At today's seminar, one of the girl's pronounced it the same way and i couldn't help but to wince ust a tad at that. But hta's not all, no. A woman in the class pronounced Don Quixote as 'donkeyshot'. Yup, you read that right. 'Donkeyshot'.... O_O
As for the assignment i had to write last night, i didn't finish it until 3am this morning, and of course, i had to get up less than six hours later.... -_-' And the worst part was that dispite being tired as hell, once i actually went to bed, i couldn't fall asleep for a while.
In other news, was on the train this morning when i read the news of Justin Timberlake winning an Emmy. And not for any song, but a very very silly one. Only in America can someone win a somewhat serious award for a song called 'Dick in a Box'. XD
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this song, it was a sketch for Saturday Night Live. I have also added the video(which will hopefully show, otherwise, you can find it
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