The rest of 2014

Dec 26, 2014 08:11

Now that the empty boxes are scattered around the tree, tummies are full of candy canes and eggnog, and the old slippers are tossed out for new, what do you do?

Past years I was out the door at 5 am.

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Comments 18

em_kellesvig December 26 2014, 16:45:40 UTC
In years past, I worked Hotels and Hospitality or Food and Beverages, so I seldom had the holidays -- or the days after -- free. In fact, as a single person, I often volunteered so those with families could spend the day at home. (And, hey! Double time and a half at some places. \o/)

These days, no rooms to clean, beds to make, toilets to scrub; no food to cook or serve; no cranky, short tempered guests (or bosses) to please. No long hours on my feet, stressed out and unhappy.

Now, it's Porny McPorn and crochet and maybe some TV or a movie to watch. Calls to and from friends and family, laughter and fun, peace and quiet. It's really quite lovely.

Hmm. Need to find some porn to read...


melagan December 26 2014, 16:54:42 UTC
Need to find some porn to read...

I highly recommend it. After all, we want to be sure to ring in the New Year on the right note ;)

And there will be a 2015 Romancing McShep !


starbuckssue December 26 2014, 19:19:01 UTC
Christmas Day was pretty chilled just with my mother and Plum, today was getting ready for my cousins and uncle tomorrow (I prepare a buffet so everyone can just help,themselves and my wonderful cousins always help,with the washing, drying and putting away). For the first time in years I don't have to work between Christmas and new year so I will be chilling out on my own (or just with Plum) and catching up on all the SGA Santa stories and mabe some Tibbs Yuletide as well. I also want to do some more to my Boo and Plum scrapbooks too.


melagan December 26 2014, 19:23:04 UTC
Sweet. There's something to be said for having plenty of nap and reading time.



sgamadison December 26 2014, 23:15:01 UTC
My Christmas yesterday was so like a bad holiday movie (of the screwball comedy variety), I took notes for future reference in a story. :-)

Worked today: the day after a holiday is always busy. A lot of people feed their pets things they shouldn't at Christmas. I'm headed over to a friend's house to vaccinate her cats in a couple of hours, and then I'll have the rest of the evening to go back to the WIP.

The end of the year is always a bit of a rush for me. I have some major end-of-year projects that I must complete by Dec 31st, and I have a big online thing I'm doing for January that still needs some prep time. The plan, however, is to go see The Hobbit tomorrow night. On New year's Eve, we're going to a charity Casino Night, so we're getting dolled up like high rollers, gambling like mad, and donating to a good cause at the same time. :-)


melagan December 27 2014, 01:33:38 UTC
Sounds crazy busy and crazy fun. Have a great time at the bash!


popkin16 December 27 2014, 00:51:40 UTC
I'm going to work for the next two days, and then I have a week off from work. My paycheck is going to take a hit, which I'm mildly worried about, but I'm taking a trip to North Carolina, so it'll be for good reason.

Until then, post-work and pre-vacation, I'm definitely going to read about delightful, naughty men doing dirty things to each other :) (Oh hell, on vacation too - I'm taking my laptop and my Kindle).


melagan December 27 2014, 01:36:12 UTC
Wheee! That sounds delightful. I'm having a 'staycation' myself. By the time the week is over my couch and I may be in a serious relationship ;)


timespirt December 27 2014, 03:37:35 UTC
The last one gets my vote too! LOL


melagan December 27 2014, 14:00:46 UTC
eeeeee! *highfives*


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