The rest of 2014

Dec 26, 2014 08:11

Now that the empty boxes are scattered around the tree, tummies are full of candy canes and eggnog, and the old slippers are tossed out for new, what do you do?

Past years I was out the door at 5 am.

I handled price changes in a dept store. That meant getting there early to get as many prices changed on Christmas decorations as my team could before the shoppers arrived. It was fun and the day flew by. Not that it seemed fun, peering at the alarm clock's cheery 4:00 a.m. but that brief agony passed with the first cup of coffee.

This year I'm on the University's winter break. Vacation until 2015. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. So I'm asking you to share. How do you spend the winding down days of 2014? Do you work? Sleep? Visit family? Shop?

Read delightful, filthy, naughty slash about naked men? (this gets my vote)

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