Squee Weekend 5

Aug 21, 2014 05:26

The countdown is on!

This is one of those occasions where time has flown by when I wasn't looking. It's three weeks until

5th Annual Squee Weekend - More details Here.

We say a weekend, but most will make it an extended weekend. Thurs to Tues. It's cheaper to fly for one, and more importantly, more time to Squeee.

To say it's slash friendly is underselling it. They'll be a lot of talk of slash, SGA fandom love, reading and writing fanfic. They'll be plenty of non-fannish chat too. (I personally will bring up the subject of Rodney McKay. Often.)

Please check out the link above and PM me or
neevebrody if you need to be added to the Squee-in community. That's where we keep in touch with who's coming, what's on the menu, room sharing and the like.

Three Weeks!

This entry was originally posted at http://melagan.dreamwidth.org/335366.html. Please comment however it pleases you.
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