Mark Henry & Amanda Feral

Jan 23, 2010 11:01

Mark Henry, urban fantasy author extraordinaire, who created the savage and fabulous Amanda Feral, was a guest on the Deadline Dames today.
I am a fan of his books.  They are not your usual urban fantasy.  As he likes to refer to them, they are a zomedy.  And it's appropriate.  The main character, Amanda Feral, is a sharp business woman who gets turned into a zombie who keeps her wits and intelligence, and decides to make the best of the situation.

The series is full of snark, wit and some of the BEST characterization I have ever read.  This man knows how to get inside people's heads (even literally in some of the books... I mean, there are mindless zombies who eat brains too) and make a character who seems like they are over the top yet feel so real.

When his books came out, they were published as trade paperbacks, which are the paperbacks the size of a hardcover book and twice as expensive as mass market paperbacks.  BUT the first book is being rereleased as a mass paperback which will make it easily affordable.  So because you love me (and you'll soon love Mark Henry), on FEBRUARY 2nd, go and buy Happy Hour of the Damned in mass market edition at your local bookstore or order it from online.  Or if you already own it, order another copy, like me, so I have every version of the book that's come out... just don't tell my husband.  I think he may think 3 copies of the same book is a bit much. ;P

Oo... and you can get HHOTD for the Kindle too!!
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