Book Review: Bitter Night

Oct 26, 2009 09:38

I admit it.  I was one of the lucky ones who got to read this book early.  And O.M.G.  It's awesome!!

Bitter Night is an Urban Fantasy that takes place in the Western US.  There is magic in the world but most humans are oblivious to it and poor Max gets entangled right in the middle of it.  In college, her friend Giselle tricked her and made her into a Shadowblade - a fierce magic warrior that can only be out at night - a very reluctantly, Max is serving her.

Now the Guardians of the earth want the witches help in spreading chaos and destruction over the world and if they refuse, their coven will be destroyed.  Can Max help Horngate, her home, stand up to such an attack?

Now, Diana Pharoah Francis has six books published, all fantasy, all amazing.  I found her when her third book, Path of Blood, came out.  Then was so excited to see the Crosspointe series (which has another book coming out next year!!).

How this effects her writing is in the richness of her world.  UF takes place basically in the here and now - everyone know Walmart, everyone knows McDonalds - but you still have to create an underlying world to go with that.  And with her experience creating whole entire new worlds through her fantasy, Di is able to really make her UF world all the more full because, yeah, we have McDonalds but there are so many little details she slips in that I don't think all UF writers give to you.

So you NEED to pick up Bitter Night when it comes out TOMORROW!!!  You'll love it!! I put it up there with Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews and Mark Henry... amazing, rich, believable, with a strong plot that will keep you turning the page.  I know I'll be first in line at my Borders!!

horngate, review, book review, fantasy, diana pharaoh francis, crosspointe, witches of horngate, urban fantasy, bitter night, path series, novel

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