Crack Mode. =D

Apr 29, 2009 19:02

I felt sick today and so I stayed home. Frowny face inserted here. And so I watched Death Note for half the morning. Was fun. Fangasmed over Mello big time. Must've looked like a loser.

Then I went on MSN and from there emerged my sexy male alter ego. He is known as Mel-Boy and he's the male version of me, I guess. Only he's a lot more bisexual and more on crack and has some ego over his sexyness. Not denying that he's sexy but ROFL. And so Mel-Boy got to meet my friends and get proposed to by Drew and raped by April and mailed out to everyone so they can be all, "OMG WAO" at Mel-Boy's sexy self.

And then later on, I was bored and gave him an MSN account. So feel free to add, so long as Mel-Boy knows who you are, otherwise Mel-Girl can fill him in. The account is and yeah, he's around for crack purposes so... ROFL.

And apparently Buster will draw smut of Melshipping. Great. He'll expect some punches soon.

etc, rofl, mel is entertained

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