(belated) 2014 in fic

Jan 11, 2015 13:59

Props to kirakirashahida for tagging us to do this. I usually never do this whole year in review in fic thing, but I guess it can't really hurt to take a look back and put down some thoughts. Especially since this year has been a major struggle for me in terms of actually writing.
Anyway, I'm approaching this tag (?) a tad differently, haha.

Basic stats:
4 oneshots (+ idk how many #TAC collaborations)
This low number bothers me a little, but given that this past year I had thrown myself into study (tried to, anyway). Lately I've really struggled with finding the excitement and motivation to write something new - nothing has truly stuck out to me and begged for me to write it. I'm hoping for somethng this year though.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I think I wrote approximately how much I had expected. I knew that this year would really dampen my writing as I tried to balance serious real life studies and writing. I hope this won't continue though, because the experience of writing is so enjoyable and I love the community we have. I'd hate to give that up.

Did you take any writing risks this year?
Perhaps yes in the sense that I was writing ships and characters that I lacked experience with. Click was a big success in that sense and I'm proud of that. Gongstal is still my major comfort zone though, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
The thing I want most is to write fic that I can really be proud of again. I've struggled to muster up the same energy and motivation to writing something like Still Doll (and to think that endeavour was a few years ago). I'll do my best!

didn't answer all the questions // questionable relevance to meMy best story of this year:
Honestly, probably click because it turned out so tender and genuine. I did enjoy writing the fearsome jung soojung a fair amount though.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
This is a hard one to answer. Probably inbox outbox, to be frank. I write changyoon as a special gesture only, and when I do I end up thinking a lot about how I ought to portray these characters. I have my own perception of Changmin as a character, but Yoona is frequently just uncharted territory. I think following them from childhood up kept my perspective at a distance. I'm not convinced that I'm comfortable with writing these characters, but I am really fond of them, and they feel very genuine to me, because I've written them at a stage of life I can genuinely relate to.

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Not yet. Maybe this year seeing that I'm 18 now.

Hardest story to write:
Contributing to The Venn Diagram pretty much pushed me way out of my comfort zone.

Biggest disappointment:
I think it'd be unfair to myself to name anything that.

Biggest surprise:
Every single fic I wrote this year was in a sense a surprise - it was just so good to be able to still write. I would have moments of chilling self-doubt that my boyfriend can testify to

these are all little bits and pieces I've noted on my phone - most lack any real character or ship links

"a world where everything is provided for you is deeply corrupting" // most suitable for a chaptered fic, probably hotel!au

"and when I see the sun flash on the water and my view rush past, I know ..." // a specific scene where the male protagonist (currently seeing Chanshik mostly) is taking a train home. The tracks pass over the river that separates him from his most loved. Definitely angst in full force.

"I have a great affinity with losers who work hard." // 100% gongstal - this will either be semi-canon universe, or will turn the entirely opposite way and become something like a blend of my favourite shonen jump manga universes. Risky, but might be fun (would like some thoughts on this).

#inreview, #tac, #wip

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