Obla dee obla dah

Jan 15, 2013 23:04

Stupidity continues to abound. The niece (who's brain is soft and apparently extremely paranoid from too many drugs) posts a ridiculous FB rant addressed to "those who voted for" the current president. She says that she hopes they're all happy with this "Muslim, Kenyan asshole being in office" because "he just signed an executive order that enables US government officials to secretly assassinate US citizens on American soil. Also, once that order was signed...not one, but 2 different men who were affiliated with guns in one way or another were found dead. One in a suspicious car accident and the other was found with a gunshot to the head. Scared yet?" She goes on to cite the exchange between Alex Jones and Peirs Morgan as proof of...? I'm not sure what? ..how calm Peirs can be in the face of that ranting lunatic? I didn't vote for Obama but I'm telling you what, I'd rather be stuck in a room with Mr. O and no guns than stuck in a room with my drugged up niece, her idiotic and enabling piece of shit husband and Alex Jones and ALL of the guns in America. In the end, I'm pretty sure I'd be safer AND saner. My brother (my "flaming liberal" brother) who is also, according to my oh-so-well versed and obviously well educated niece, a simple "lemming" and is going to be led to his death by the liberal news media, tried to debate some of her "facts" and found himself in a face to face (well, alright, facebook to facebook) with her foodstanp using, unemployed, lying felon of a husband. Dear niece either doesn't have the thought to straighten her "soulmate" husband out on some issues OR the fortitude, either way, it's a sad exsistence that she lives, not much different than the exsistence she had with her previous (also "perfect" & "the man of her dreams")  husband who I'm certain she thought she could "fix" and "mold" to her liking IF ONLY she could love him enough. It's most likely true that she is no longer employed. She isn't able to have even supervised visits with her 10 year old daughter because she continues to test positive to opiates, benzoids and THC. Good job there mamma who married a sexual offender!! I do not give a shit what the "facts of the case" are, the fact of the matter is this: by marrying him you chose him over your daughter. She will never be able to come visit you or stay with you as long as you are married to him and she is under the age of 18. Any real man, any man who actually gave a shit and was making better choices as a result of his "past mistake" would never have asked you to marry him 1 month after getting a divorce and while you were fighting for visitation rights with your child. Take as many drugs as you want, smoke as much weed and drink all the booze you can, it's not going to change the stupid decisions you made and it's not going to help how others see you. Don't care? (Obviously!) You will some day and hopefully by then it won't be too late.

In other insidious news: Genesee County continues to send us on wild goose chases and still manages to avoid giving REAL answers and viable solutions. We are now requesting a 307 transfer (3 years and many, many, many conversations and phone calls later) I think... but no one seems to know for sure. I mentioned the word "lawyer" during a voicemail message Tuesday... hahaha! Well, at least that seems to have caught someone's attention which is more than what we've had since starting this whole debacle. Good. We have dealt with them in good faith for long enough. They've done nothing but give us the runaround. We are sick to death of it. Genesee County Community Mental Health of Flint Michigan, your customer service sucks!! For an agency whose mission is to be "committed to providing quality care for all its clients. The safety and well being of our clients is the paramount consideration of all GCCMH’s activities. In furtherance of this commitment, GCCMH
strives to promote honesty, integrity and high ethical standards in the work environment and to comply with all applicable federal state statutes and regulations and other legal and ethical obligations," you fail miserably!
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