... the rest of the story. (Subtitled: My Version of the Truth)

Sep 28, 2011 00:04

Here is the message Bubby sent out:

I'm going to be open and honest about (my name, AKA Bubby's mother). She took me to personal image and signed for a tattoo and I smoked marijuana for the first time with my mom at age 13. From then on it was a regular thing she would also buy my cigarettes for me sometimes paying for them at 13, up until I moved out of her home in richmond. During this she learned that I could get pot alot cheaper than her. At age 17 I sold and smoked marijuana on a regular basis with uncle (name) and aunt (name) (alot) (uncle) would buy a 50dollar bag about 2 times a month (aunt) was purchasing for a friend(owners of a prominent local business) $450 bag once a month. My mother not only knew about all this she set it up!She even let me cultivate marijuana illegally inside her home . So now she gets on my case for being a legal medical marijuana grower? Calls cps on me for being a bad parent? I would never smoke anything with (3 year old child's name) !!! Ive never asked you for anything even though Ive needed help before, Ill get through all this just thought you should know the REAL STORY

This is my response which he will probably never read.
Bubby was 13 years old in 1997. I moved out of the family home in December of that year. His father, the X made enough false accusations against me, a tattoo at 13 or pot smoking would have been the ONLY documented truth... had it been the truth. The man I was having an affair with did not like pot so I did not smoke pot during that time in my life. IF he smoked pot when he was 13, he did not smoke it with me. I have NEVER been real fond of the effects of marijuana and have never smoked much, EVER. I did go through a phase when I smoked more than I'd ever smoked prior or since. That "phase" occurred during the years of 2002- 2004 when I lived in the house in Richmond... "The Flop House".
Bubby claims that he remembers everything perfectly (that claim in itself should send up some red flags for most people). He is very convincing to the casual ear. That's probably because he has repeated the story so many times that he probably believes it. To him, I'm sure, it IS the truth. I have diaries where I have recorded some of the actual events as they have occurred. (See May 3, 2004 for example. Bubby was living in the Flop House and managed to deliberately ruin what could have been a pleasant and at least a peaceful Mother's Day for me. 2004... hmmmm I think that would make him 19 years old, real close to 20... if I'm doing the math right?) For the sake of time I won't research all of his claims. I WILL say that his memory fails him. I will also ask this, "what is it that he's trying to prove with all of these claims? What is his goal here?" I guess I can assume that he's trying to discredit me? ...and apparently others too. What good is the "REAL STORY" 8 years later?
Bubby did not get a tattoo until he was at least 16 years old. I might have signed a consent form for him at that time, I really don't recall for sure. I know that he did not get a tattoo before I got one. I got one at the age of 40, in the year 2000.
Bubby did not move into the home in Richmond until AFTER he turned 16. Buying cigarettes for him prevented him from stealing them from other people. I bought cigarettes for him when I could, when I wanted.
If I needed to purchase pot (I usually did not need to purchase it because I didn't smoke it often) I had other sources. On the one occasion that I recall TRYING to purchase pot from Bubby, he returned empty handed and CLAIMED that he was "set up" that someone stole the money from him. The people who smoked pot in the Flop House did not trust Bubby and did not use him when they wanted to purchase pot. I don't know anything about him selling pot to his aunt or uncle or their friends.
Bubby did attempt to grow marijuana in the Flop House. Everyone else living there worked at least one job and was gone all day, I was working two. Who knows what he did all day? He wasn't working and he refused to finish school. He spent his days eating food (that others bought), drinking, smoking and playing the guitar. He also tried to keep a pet alligator and a pet dog. He was told to get rid of the plants shortly after I found out about them. He seems to think that he's above reproach and I wasn't going to risk (another) jail incident for his shitty looking little plants... I wouldn't have risked it for big ones either. Quite bluntly, Bubby was a fucking pain in the ass during most of that time that he lived in the Flop house. He had way too much (idle) time on his hands (as he does now). I was extremely busy working a demanding full time job (I was on-call 24/7) + a part time job. Unfortunately there was no one home to supervise him. But at 18, he shouldn't have needed it. He was belligerent and often emotionally abusive towards his sister and I. He almost constantly badgered us about everything. We usually ignored the ignorance because challenging him only made things worse. Requests for help were met with protests and defiance. He was a bully and he used bullying tactics.
Bubby admits (sometimes) that he smoked crack cocaine while living at the Flop House. I think it's destroyed his memory. He moved out shortly after the Mother's Day incident which was in 2004 (see the journal) when he was 20 years old, not 17 like he wants to remember. He was given every opportunity to finish school and turn his life around. He chose to spend his time getting high and creating a living hell for those around him. It's too bad because he actually has a lot of potential. He chooses, instead to live his life like his father lives his life. If he could simply (I guess it's not so simple for them) look inside of himself for the answers instead of looking outside for them. What a horrible, horrible existence. To believe that your life is the result of what others have done to you... and to not have an accurate memory of that! To not know that we have control over our own destiny. To be so embittered and filled with hate.
Sadder still, is knowing that the reason Bubby seems compelled to find reasons to hate me is most likely because he hates himself.

hate; blame; marijuana; flop house

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