drip drip drop little (pre) april showers ^_^

Mar 30, 2010 20:01


So apparently NYMag has a picspam of sorts of Obama looking at mudane things. That's pretty funny. But then someone remixed it as Obama looking at awesome things. That is even funnier. The enterprise! Baby dinosaurs!


I watched the latest Spn. I really...argh. Try here. To be fair, she gave me a convincing argument to this season being more about the apocalypse than S4 being about the seals. All the same I can't shake the feeling of being stuck.


What do you guys think of Chloe? I was intrigued when I first heard about it, but the reviews say the latter half of the movie sucks and goes into cliched territory. Bummer. I'm still watching it. The writer wrote the screenplay for Secretary, I think.


You guys saw this meta on TVD, right? Like I told thelana and lone_child (? iirc) I was most interested in her comment about the critique that female vamps (with the exception of Lexi) are still more likely to seduce than use physical force, which :/ But I'm hoping Katherine as the big bad will show she can tangle with the best of them. For the millionth time I wish there was more fic in this fandom. I was pretty sad when even the newsletter called it quits. :(

spn, vdiaries, politicslol, impressions, movie

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