Final stretch of FE3DS, as I cover the other chars I didn't use much

Jul 18, 2010 00:09

So a lot of my chars finally are maxed out (or close to it) and I'm only about a chapter or two from beating it. Welp, I noticed I also forgot to mention some characters in the game that might be worth talking about. So okay, hear me out will ya?

- Sheeda's HP is a piece of crap, and honestly if you make a Pegasus Knight she'll be outclassed instantly. You still need her to get Roger (Chapter 8) and Jake (Chapter 11), though.
- Jake is a Warrior now. Anna and him must have accidentally went to the real world so the guy could work out or something. I never used him, but he probably gets good stats. Beck is a Horseman now, and probably has the same case going for him.
- Doga sucks, so you need Roger if you want a roving Armor. Roger's actually worth using if you badly need an early Armor. His problem is mostly the fact that Chapter 9 is a goshdamn desert, so his first real use will probably be Chapter 10.
- Katua and Paola are as useful as they are in the original. Therefore I don't need to explain them in much detail. Warren still sucks a lot of arse in his default class, but I suspect he makes an excellent offensive threat as perhaps a Mercenary or a General.
- Saji and Maji aren't worth using when Bartz is just in Chapter 5 (and Oguma can talk to him). Speaking of Bartz, he is absolutely awesome this time around and makes fighting the Dragons much easier than it used to be. A practical must on Lunatic.
- Didn't get Riff, but I hear he can shave you bald. XD He's kind of meh though, but if you want some kind of Picard blasting crap with a gu- I mean magic it shouldn't be a bad idea.
- I absolutely cannot give an opinion on Horace, because Chapter 10x is a jerk and I'm not that blasted much of a completionist (hey, I skipped Riff because Chapter 3 is sort of suicidal to rush). Knowing the game, probably not worth it. Btw, Toms and Michelan join in Chapter 15 and 16 already promoted.
- Abel's still good...but good luck trying to fit him in your team when you have a crapload of potential Paladins to choose from. Doesn't help that Sirius imho is just too good for most of them. You get Frey in Chapter 5, up to you if you want to use him. He has the Killer Lance Kain doesn't come with anymore! Cecil's still great but her defense is bad. Roddy's still good. Luke turns out decent...lets see how many other goshdamn Social Knights do I need to cover? Oh yeah...Marchis sucks. Did I tell you he doesn't even give you a free Javelin this time if you kill him? Kain is still as solid as ever but outdone by Sirius except in Skill. I already explained Raiden along with Robert and Belf. Oh...right...good I covered the Wolfguard already.
- Nav is as good as you remember him being. An absolute must in the Dragon chapters. If you use Raddy, use them together for an extremely good team.
- Athena starts at level 10...with 9 Str. Uhhh...up to you but unless you use her extensively in the Prologue you're not getting her again until Chapter 13x. By then you'll have Nav (and possibly Raddy) way out ahead of her.
- Besides Riff giving you an awesome haircut, the following styles I can verify are: Cecil's Hachimaki (for the gals, makes you look like her. For the guys...i guess if you want to look tough you go for that), Wendel's hat, Chiki's tiara, Roro's mask (why?), Ymir gives you a really weird Tiger Hat of epic WTH.
- Apparently you can get Est in the Prologue. Are you kidding me?!
- Gordon's alright, but Ryan will outdo him. Use both if you want.
- I officially dub Sniper the "fixer upper" class. With the good Spd growth in it, you can fix a lot of slowpokes provided their levels aren't too damn high up there. You're also likely to at least get C level Bows...and on top of that a nice, useful 5% Crit rate.
- Etzel can be recruited by Marth, and he isn't really bad if your other Mages are turning out like junk.
- Thomas starts off prepromoted just like Toms and Michelan do. Uhhh, his bases are crap but I think he grows alright. Definitely work on his Strength, its not the greatest stat he has.
- Did I mention that the four priestesses are as useless as ever? Oh right, we all knew that did we?
- Unlike last time, you can actually get Micheal to join you. His stats are good, and he comes with B Lances and B Axes. Not really too shabby at all. The problem? A lot of people miss him, so here's what you need to do: Send Minerva (she cannot be Class Swapped to do this) in to the village in Chapter 21, and you'll have her talk to him. Then, go have Marth talk to him in the village. He joins in the Chapter 22 battle preparations. My only gripe? You still need to use Minerva to recruit Maria, unless they changed it. I hope they did, because Minerva sucks.
- Nagi joins. You likely used Chiki a lot, so just give her stone to Chiki (unless Chiki turned out like crap).
- Ymir's forgettable. Take his equips and bench him, especially since you probably got some other axe dude already set up (whether that's Doga or Bartz is something I wouldn't know...)

Thaaaaaaaaaat's pretty much it. Let me know if I missed any characters.

akanea is fsking wingame

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