More FE3 remake stuff (currently at Chapter 21)

Jul 17, 2010 13:00

Sheema did get buffed. If you want to ignore the tierfaggotry and use her, my advice is actually reclass her to Sniper for a bit (she does start with B level Bows so that becomes A!!) then level her in the Exp. arena. That way, her Spd growth will be much better and her Str and Def still raise quite well. Reclass her to General once you're done. Using this method, she maxed Spd and still got really good Str and Def to go along with it.

Sirius easily maxes Str. Mine did, at level 15 even. He's maxed out now and with the help of a Skill Ring also maxed out his Skill.

Wolf and Zag actually still have their insane stat growths from FEDS. The thing is, you have way less levels to abuse them with. I hope you have lots of dough saved up from arena abuse on Chapters 15 and 19 (the only two normal arenas in the game!) if you want to use them. Roshe is alright, Villuck actually isn't that crap anymore if only for the fact he has A rank swords as a Swordie.

Longbows are back, you'll get one in Chapter 20x. Archers/Snipers only (not that Longbows are any damn good without the Sniper's Crit boost).

Medea is level 12 instead of level 16. Too bad she comes quite late...

If you want to use Belf, Raiden, and advice is use the three together as they support one another. They make an excellent mounted trio.

Darros comes as a Berserker. The problem is his bases are pretty much crap. Raise him with caution.

Maliessa should abuse Mage in the Exp. Arena. That's because her Curate Mag growth does no justice to her really good Mag gains. Use her as a healer on the maps. I easily got her to 23 Mag at level 20/12 doing the above method. Also...keep her as a Sage as opposed to a Bishop as Bishops really doesn't have a point in this game anyway.

A lot of people say Doga makes a great Pirate. That miiiight be the case, but trying to match him up with someone balanced like Bartz will easily kill his use. Also take note that Doga's only good Def growths are as an Armor Knight, reclassing him to Pirate will give you a shoddy 10% Def growth. Do not want.

Frost is useless. Freeze him like a Frostie and take his equips.

Samson is even more useless now than before. Take his Axe and run (unless you're absolutely desperate to give Sheema support.)

Oguma has great offense, but some of the ugliest Defense growths ever (because I suspect they used his FE1 stat gains). Reclass him to Armor Knight from time to time so he can actually gain some goshdamn Defense. Caesar's not worth it as he has the same goshdamn problem (except even more magnified). Oguma does get support from Sirius, Yumbello, Yumina, Navarre and your My Unit maybe he's not that screwed.

Raddy absolutely has to be raised in the Exp. arena prior to starting Chapter 7, or Nav will absolutely smoke him statwise because the thieves will allow him to level up like crazy. He's still a solid character, though. Same reclassing for stat gain rules apply.

Feena's stat gains are scary good. Got her to 25 Spd before even hitting level 15. Give her a Lady Sword for some firepower if you plan to use her full time.

Katarina's pretty solid for a prepromote, actually. Just got her Spd to max at about level 18. Her Mag doesn't max, but it at least gets around 20.

...Maric's Mag growth is still kind of paltry. Save some Magic rings for him. Linda will likely turn out great if used right, but keep in mind Mally is nuts in this remake when raised as a Mage so she might get smoked by her.

Norne is a scary good General. Thanks to all those level ups as a Pegasus Knight and a Myrmidon along with Archer's crazy Spd gains...she maxed both Spd and Defense.

Minerva is nothing short of gawdawful. Unfortunately, she's needed for the perfect ending. If you really want to use her full time, reclass her between General (Defense) and Sniper (Speed) from time to time so that she isn't so pathetically frail.

akanea is fsking wingame

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