Han Geng as torchbearer

Aug 06, 2008 09:14

Old info: (no longer applicable)

路 线:8月6日,火炬将从八达岭长城出发,途经延庆、顺义、昌平、怀柔、密云、平谷、通州、朝阳、东城等城区。

8月8日,最终进入国家体育场。 此次传递路线的选择充分体现了北京奥运的特色。其中将通过十三陵、潭柘寺、周口店等北京名胜古迹,表达了人文奥运的特色,同时传递景点也包括以首钢为代表的绿色奥运的景点,路线还将通过以中关村高科技园区和丰台总部基地为代表的科技奥运景点。

(source here)

Han Geng is running the torch on August 8th, with the seventh group of torchbearers on the Badaling Great Wall section.

The Badaling section seems to be in the earlier part of the day, because they're starting there and moving to the National Stadium (the Bird's Nest) so I would guess Geng is running pretty early on August 8th (Beijing time).

NEW INFO! Sorry. :D This changed recently (like, a few hours ago?):



传递时间:2008.08.07 15:27-16:19

活动地点:顺义 双河路河南村果园加油站-集汇大街南200米


(source here, which got its source here)

Now it says Geng is running August 7th, between 3:27pm and 4:19pm (Beijing time). The location has changed as well to some road in Beijing, it's really not important where because it's not the Great Wall. :| Does this mean I have to up in the middle of the night to watch him? The things I will do for you, bb. A fangirl's life, it is so hard!

Original poster says that the information was disclosed by the officials, so it shouldn't change. I hope that's true. HERE IS THE OFFICIAL SITE. This is fucking verified, okay, I am done!

I caught CCTV4 broadcasting the torch relay live last night (the morning of August 6th in Beijing) and saw JJ Lin! They broadcast the afternoon run live as well, but I was asleep. I guess (and hope) CCTV4 will continue to broadcast the relay live and hopefully some of us will have a chance to catch Geng on TV.

Additionally, there are 433 torchbearers for Beijing (which means Han Geng beat out all of them to win the top number of votes!) and everyone gets to run 50m. This takes about ten seconds, no lie. But I'm sure Chinese fans will have rips of Geng's 10 seconds of glory up on tudou within the day, if not hours. :)

ETA: LOL @ Chinese fans. They're so cute. They run around calling him "landlord" and "Beijing fried rice" and they're wailing about why it's being changed to the afternoon of the 7th when they have to work, instead of being on the 8th, when everyone had a holiday. Cute fans are cute.

china!, learning chinese

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