I'm back!

Jan 10, 2013 12:43

So... been a while, huh? Some of you may have noticed that I've updated Confessions after over a year... because I totally suck at sticking to deadlines. Heh. But yeah, hopefully this is a good sign for the new year... maybe?

How was everyone's Christmas and New Year? Or... holiday season... because I kinda just realised that saying Christmas sort of ignores those that don't celebrate it... sorry bout that! So.. holidays? Were they good? Have a nice time? Make doable New Years Resolutions?

I've mostly been absent because my health sucks and also because I've been working on making my business a little more successful. I've been going to cons as a dealer, which is a new perspective of cons that I've never seen before. Lol!

As for my health, well I finally got my doctor to listen to me about my dodgy hips, he sent me to a specialist, said specialist then sent me to have an ultrasound and then have steroids injected into my tendons.

First. Ow. No really. Ow. It fecking hurt!!

Second. It didn't even bloody work! In fact, it's made things worse.

So now, I've got another appointment next Wednesday and I'll be having an MRI scan sometime in the future. Depending on what that shows, it seems likely that I'll have to have an operation to have my hip tendons shortened (or thinned... or something...) which may mean I'll be in hospital for about two weeks. Joyful joyful, right?

2013 looks to be awesome so far! Lol!

In other news, I'll be holding a stall at the Birmingham Comic Con and Memorabilia show in March, so if anyone is thinking of going, then pop by to say hello! I also might be at Wales Comic Con - I've yet to hear back from them though, so it's not certain!

So, that's what I've been up to. How are all of you? Doing okay? I note that a few people have de-friended me since I've been AWOL, which is understandable. Sad, but understandable! I'd love to be friended back, but hey ho! That's life, no? :D

Speak to you all later then, Peeps! And hopefully my posting a chapter of Confessions foretells good things for my writing for the year to come!!

medical life:pain, update on:life, business:charms

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