Sitque memor nostri necne, referte mihi.

Apr 17, 2011 13:17

Quilts have a language and culture of their own. They are so rich in meaning for those who make them and those who receive them. They tell stories, express emotion, provide an outlet for hidden artistic talents, and to many represent the connectedness of family and friends.

My older sister and I are the sole survivors of my family of origin. My parents and brother died relatively young, then my sister left home to live on the other side of the country for her husband's work.

We have had to live separate lives but remain very close. She is one of the most wonderful people I know and our early, strong relationship has led me to put a high value on all my friendships with women.

I visited her recently in Sydney to celebrate her 60th birthday. In between cups of tea and much chat I enjoyed looking at her beautiful, hand quilted creations. She secretly took note and and then set about making this for me for my birthday. 

When I opened it and spread it out my first impressions were of the love, thoughtfulness and kindness that had gone into it. The hours of painstaking work. I saw the hearts and immediately thought of big sister/little sister, the way she had protected and cared for me all our lives. I thought about how I would wrap it around me when I am a very old lady and remember the day I got it in the mail.

I wish everyone could experience this kind of love from their family. It makes a space in life where everything can seem worthwhile.

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