Volo uti mihi respondeas

Mar 19, 2011 13:26

The world is so filled with sadness at the moment, I thought I would post something peaceful. I was lucky enough to visit my friends in Albany recently and they took me out to visit a rather wonderful friend of theirs who lives in Denmark, a town about 400ks south of Perth.

Professor P. is a botanist and ardent conservationist who has restored the forest on his property and has made kilometres of walkway through it with a shovel, secateurs and a lot of perserverance. He is a marvellous example of someone who simply doesn't retire. At 79, he has the boundless energy of a 25 year old, sharing his encyclopaedic knowledge of native animals and plants with visitors on a regular basis.

One of the wonderful, tiny wrens you see in the southwest, just in the moulting stage. So little and perfect.

Professor P. has made friends with all the birds on his property. They join him on the verandah for lunch. He has a stock of worms he keeps at the ready for them.

If you look carefully you will see a pale green frog on the top left edge of the pond.

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