Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn-offs.
Day Eight: Three turn-ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.
day 5-
1: gone to the hospital for alcohol poisoning (like duh) (but really) (shittiest ever)
2: wasted my money/time at wet seal, like, ever
3: spent at least three hours calling all of the 'Collins' listed in the phone book looking for a boy in my 8th grade french class that i had never talked to so that i could ask him to ask his bff out for my bff and in the process we would become ~friendly OFC. yeah i was a dumb 13 year old but then, who isn't? I never found his phone # either :(
4: wasted any energy trying to be ~cooler in the limited white suburban hipster sense that ruled my high school days and making myself miserable/unable to enjoy ANYTHING in the process
5: tried to jump to the 3rd rung of the monkey bars on the (SERIOUSLY UNSAFE PEBBLE-COVERED) school playground after school in 3rd grade (again, because all the other kids could do it and i wanted to be cool!), failing miserably, falling, slamming my head into the (SERIOUSLY UNSAFE) pebbles and splitting my forehead open resulting in 8 stitches and a scar that's still visible in certain light!
6: not taking chances on d00ds where there was some mutual interest bc i'm a scaredy cat!
Day 6:
1) my grandmother! we just had a party today for her 80th birthday and she lives downstairs and has generally always been around and been pretty awesome.
2) my brother, he's 3 yrs older than me and when i was little (like... 2 or 3) when people would ask me what i wanted to be when i grew up my answer was "just like peter" and now that he's going to library school and i'm considering it i'm a little bit like lawllllll :| but no! he's a great person generally. and we are a lot alike.
3) ani is the person who probably knows me best? it's been like 7 years now so that's cool.
4) my cousins sam and casey who are sisters and v. close in age to me and we spent a lot of time together as little ones and our interests/life paths tend to converge (like, we're all graduating from college next year so that'll be fun for our parents/grandmother to figure out).
5) all (ALL) my other friends dont make me choose. i spent the first ~19 years of my life convinced no one really liked me and the people i considered friends only hung out with me bc of... idk, pity. so having friends who constantly act like they want to be my friend is, you know, awesome! and means a lot. and i think i'm a better person for it.