if you don't like my thinking rants don't read this!!!

May 25, 2004 17:37

so if we're constantly seeking the first "high" the first time to do anything, even the first time we take our own breath, and if we were to forget that perfect high every time, then everytime would be the first and it would be blissful everytime, regardless of the fact that the chemical change might be happening on different levels, so all we need to do is find something that makes us completely oblivious the the fact that it has happened before, how about death. everytime we die, we experience it like it was the first time, the weird thing is that life sometimes feels like it's happened before, so maybe the something is death and the nothing is life, we're floating outside the universe right now. i'm certainly floating, i don't know about you.
i think that music waves actually shake the brain and it makes a slight separation in the neurons. i could go on forever, or i could just stop, forever, it's kinda the same thing, either way i'm at an absolute end so they are defined the same that's the mystery of the absolute value bars in math, HOW do they make a negative equal a positive, and why do we always assume that it will be positive. but most importantly, what is negative distance, we define negative time in math as the past, but negative distance is sumthin' else.
all time added together equals one, one is more undefinable than zero, 'cause zero is the absence of one, but one WHAT? define a unit, the smallest we can count as humans is atoms, but then we found these things called quarks, it is the human need for questions, we define our existence with answers to questions, so with out the questioning we wouldn't have any answering (at least when a human is actually bothering to be alive) it is because of this need that we find quarks.
now is another form of one, it is one moment, one something very small in the long string/tube of time, therefore one is also undefinable, but maybe that's the only way that we can FEEL one, it's nice to feel it every once in a while, i recommend it to anyone who gets a chance, it lets you know where your hands really are and teaches you how to snatch a moment out of the stream of them, but the GRAVITY is too strong and pulls it out of our hands, however, i'm probably dramaticizing what i felt since one moment/now is undefinable by definition, i don't think i can be arogant enough to assume i actually felt it, but then again, anyone assuming they have the answer is rather arogant. 'k, a proof by descarts:
1) I have an idea of God (i.e., of an infinite and perfect being)
2) All things, including my idea of God, must have a cause
3) The only conceivable causes of my idea of God are: (a) myself, (b) the external world, or (c) God himself
4) The cause must be at least as great as the effect
5) I and the external world, being both finite and imperfect are less great than my idea of God
Therefore: God must be the cause of my idea of God
Therefore: God exists.
This basis the proof on the assumption not only that an idea has an origin and therefore didn't exist at one point or another, and on the fact that we as beings are separate from God (ps - when i say "God" i mean some infinite oversoul and not in any religious way, or, in fact, in every religious way. righteo) the point is that God and "I" are one in the same because the universe equals one, because the definition of "universe" is everything that's out there in space there is ONE universe because it is EVERYTHING, therefore everything "in" the universe all adds up to one, therefore god + current form of existence = 1
the problem is that this changes what "one" is percieved as, because one is not half of two as much as it is the absence of zero, the absence of absence, this is where math comes to the true test, because since the negative of a negative is a positive AND the positive of a positive is a positive, it doesn't matter whether the absence is a negative or a positive as long as 1 - the absence of absence is positive, therefore negaitve numbers don't exist? that means that the past doesn't exist, all of that negative time isn't REAL, at least not anymore
what if time stands still and we move in/through it, (vs. time moving past us like a river, 'cause a river has a force) maybe time is actually a pond that is perfectly still except for us thrashing about in it, and when we all stop moving the pond will settle and the moment it is entirely still (absolute zero) then nirvana/ enlightenment will have been reached

'k. i took a little breather there, i think that it's time for me to go accomplish something, maybe watch a movie or write a speach. the point is stop thinking and act, anyways, i have to save some stuff to think about later, eh?
o, yea, and patrick/lex/molly/mikey/yous, you're hellsa better at appreciating physical beauty than me, i think i'm better at/prefer thoughts, in the shape of words, they're easier to communicate, but i'm working on accepting and appreciating other such arts
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