I do believe that the illustrious Andrew Lloyd Webber has lost his bloody little mind.
This is why.
Drugs and sequels: don't do them... especially at the same time! I am going to go off on a little rant now, okie dokie, dear reader? Okie dokie.
How in the world does one make a sequel (*Madison shoves a bar of soap in her mouth*) to The Phantom of the Opera? It's The Phantom of the Opera! I think that explanation is pretty self-explanatory! Wait... did that make sense? Gaston Leroux's novel is not the sort of thing you seriously and significantly add on to. I mean, Andrew Lloyd Webber is treading on some pretty sacred grounds right now if you ask me. Also, think of how much this will take away from the original story! The ending is supposed to stay an unsolved mystery and tragedy. End of story. Literally. But, NO. Let's make a sequel based off of a book called The Phantom of Manhattan. Yea, that sounds like hit! I even think that it involves a child. Outside the world of fan fiction, this is a complete and utter crime against the universe. Yes, the universe. I am so ready to grab my torch and pitchfork right now. I would probably do so if it wasn't for the already existing Webber work of art that redeems most sins and the fact that I have the flu.
I'm done ranting. But, is anyone else out there scared to death?