Nov 18, 2007 23:03
I am currently watching some of the presidential debates on CNN and I must say it is very interesting. It really bothers me the way they all insist on saying every word that comes to mind when they answer a question. Not everyone gets to say something if one person blathers on for way to long to a literally YES or NO question. Oh it makes me laugh. But not really, because I just get more irritable than laugh at it. I have to say I am rather impressed with some of the education stuff they were talking about, but not everyone got to answer the question, unfortunately. But it was interesting to hear the candidates talking about how horrible the no child left behind act is and how some want to fix and others want to completely nix it. All the canidates who spoke were easily showing their disrespect for Bush and all he is currently doing, education, Iraq, or otherwise. I have to say though, anything about education and teachers gets me interested, as a soon to be teacher in a few years. Some of them want to raise the pay for teachers, which I like to hear, and others just talk about the impotance of getting more teachers to underserved, poor areas.
Haha. They just asked HIlary Clinton, if back when her husband was president and there was debates with Ross Parrott about NAFTA if Parrot was right. She said to be honest, all she remembered from then was a bunch of charts. It made me laugh, just a bit. Or maybe it was more of a chuckle...but still.
I might be a bit behind on this whole learning about the candidates for president and what each one of them plans to do...but I still have a year as someone reminded me earlier this week. I have to say, this whole debate thing gets a bit old after a while. But it is so important to know what they think on certain issues. It is just the way the candidates answer the questions, their tone of voice, and the way they talk over the moderator to make sure they get their every last word in before someone else gets to speak is a bit annoying to say the least.
Ooopp. Sen. John Edwards just got booed when he spoke "badly" (sort of) about Hilary Clinton. She spoke just before him and got quite a few cheers while she was talking. Edwards got no real noise besides the booing. Interesting. Very interesting.
Oh aqnd I must say, I had little clue, that we had a hispanic running this year as well as a black and a woman running for president. Just shows how out of the loop I am and how good it would be to watch the debates more.
Well I am going to consider sleep or other things. Have a great week everyone! =)