Daydream Became a Reality

Oct 28, 2016 15:45

When I was back at work, hugely pregnant and all kinds of tired, I would daydream about my maternity leave. What I was most looking forward to was a scenario in which I would drop Audrey off at school with Oliver in tow and then head up to Pantera Park (just up the hill from Audrey's school) and go for a morning walk.

The reality was.... Oliver's schedule was somewhat unpredictable in those first weeks so making it out the door with both Audrey AND Oliver would be a challenge. Jeff volunteered to be Audrey's taxi during the first month of my maternity leave, which was also his month of paternity leave from Pomona Hope. Now that he is back to work, even though it's part time, I help out with pick up on Wednesdays and drop off on Fridays.

Today, my perfect scenario came true! I made it out the door with both kids. Oliver was recently fed and changed, albeit still in his pajamas but really, who cares? I got Audrey to her classroom a few moments before the first bell rang and then scooted off with Oliver back to the car and up to Pantera Park. At Pantera Park, I strapped him into the baby carrier Cassie gave me (which I LOVE) and went for my walk! Oliver snoozed the entire time.

This is Pantera Park. Basically, I walked a big circle twice around this grassy field. Those clouds were very ominous this morning and I had heard they'd bring rain. The rain still hasn't come as I write this entry but I felt good to get out and walk before the weather could have potentially turned.

The only downer was that I wore the wrong shoes. I wore my new pair of TOMS, which I've broken in but I wasn't wearing socks so I got a little heel blister. I only made it 20 minutes before I needed to head back to the car out of heel blister pain. When I started driving away, Oliver woke up but was as happy as a clam in his carseat looking out the window. Such a sweet boy!

The rest of the day has been great too! As you can see, I'm updating my journal, which means my hands are free! Which means, Oliver is finally letting me put him DOWN for his naps. The bulk of this week consisted of lots of catnaps during the day in my arms. It was very tiring as I felt like the bulk of my days were spent trying to get him to nap and then when he finally fell asleep, he'd startle awake again.... Today I figured out his pattern. First he konks out. Then he stirs and wakes up but he's still super mellow. I keep holding him and rock him or pat his butt and he drifts back to sleep (sometimes after a couple burps or farts!). And then he stays asleep for a good chunk of time. Well.... at least that's been the pattern for TODAY. He could change it all up on me tomorrow - who knows?!

(This was a funny place I was able to put him down. I was sitting with him but my eye started hurting and I had to take out my contacts. So I adjusted to put him down and he just stayed asleep like this! Don't worry, Jeff was there while I transitioned out of my contacts so he had his eye on Oliver. But this little guy doesn't wiggle around much -yet- so I'm just keeping my eye on him now too. Funny little guy!)

All in all, Oliver has been such a pleasant baby. He has been "sleeping through the night" since 4 weeks. By that, I mean he can now go for 6-7 hours before I feel like I need to wake him to save my milk supply! His night time sleep has been surprisingly consistent from the start! Lately, I've been getting up twice to nurse him and after that second one, I usually get up anyway. Isn't that heavenly? What a lovely little boy I have. My heart is overwhelmed!

baby oliver, fitbit, oliver sleep update

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