
Sep 13, 2015 13:34

I just read this article: http://www.momentsaday.com/15-lessons-learned-from-miscarriage/

I'm going to sit with these 15 lessons for a while.

Also, I learned this:

How can a blighted ovum be prevented?
Unfortunately, in most cases a blighted ovum cannot be prevented. Some couples will seek out genetic testing if multiple early pregnancy losses occur. A blighted ovum is often a one time occurrence, and rarely will a woman experience more than one. Most doctors recommend couples wait at least 1-3 regular menstrual cycles before trying to conceive again after any type of miscarriage.

And from another source:

What Causes a Blighted Ovum?
Miscarriages from a blighted ovum are often due to problems with chromosomes, the structures that carry genes. This may be from a poor-quality sperm or egg. Or, it may occur due to abnormal cell division. Regardless, your body stops the pregnancy because it recognizes this abnormality.

It's important to understand that you have done nothing to cause this miscarriage and you almost certainly could not have prevented it. For most women, a blighted ovum occurs only once.

"She holds on to hope, for He is forever faithful." 1 Corinthians 1:19


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