Aug 01, 2015 06:20

I realized I never posted about how AWESOME Vacation Bible School was this year! So here's a recap in picture/video form:

Day 1 - June 20th ~ God has the power to PROVIDE

Audrey and Evelyn were in the Preschool Trek group with Mateo, Mikayla, and John Liam. Such a sweet little group! Jennifer & Janet led that group on that day and I was so thankful because I was desperate for a teacher for Monday! Anyway, here they are making snow at Imagination Station. The theme is Everest and it was all about God's power. So there were a lot of mountain and snow type activities but since it's summer, we also had a "wet and wild" day!

Day 2 - June 21 ~ God has the power to COMFORT

Today was PAJAMA DAY! Since kids were learning about God's power to comfort, we came in our comfy p.j.'s - what fun! Here is Audrey again at Imagination Station, this time blowing bubbles.

Day 3 - June 22 ~ God has the power to HEAL

Here is Audrey's craft from yesterday's VBS - how cute is this?! Sara, our craft leader, really out-did herself with the activities she came up with for all the different age level. This was our "Wet & Wild" day. Denny, our games leader, had a bunch of games that got the kids REALLY wet. :)  Megan, our Bible story leader, had kids washing leprosy from their hands. So the theme of the day fit the Bible lessons for the day too!

Day 4 - June 23 ~ God has the power to FORGIVE

Today everyone wore their team colors - blue, red, yellow, or green. The kids learned about the death of Jesus and how God forgave Peter even though he denied knowing Christ three times. This particular story really stuck with one of our little students and she went on to retell the whole story to Pastor Adam. She is neighborhood kid and part of Pomona Hope. I just love hearing about how God is working specifically in the lives of these little ones!

After VBS, Emilie came over to play. We went to lunch at a McDonald's with a play structure and then the girls played and played and played at our house. It was so interesting to watch them interact. Audrey was a non-stop talker and Emilie was very shy. It was kind of the opposite of what I would have expected but I guess since Audrey was on her home turf she felt more confident. Here are some sweet pictures:

Day 5 - June 22 ~ God has the power to LOVE US FOREVER

Today was Crazy Hair & Crazy Clothes Day! It was a lot of fun! The kids worked on recording their God Sightings on big flags that we would post in the sanctuary for Sunday's recap and celebration of VBS. Audrey was visibly sad that VBS was over - it really was very sweet! She had such a great time going to this VBS AND she also went to Arcadia Presbyterian's VBS with Evelyn the week before! I am always soooo thankful we have this ministry event every year for the kids because I can see firsthand how much it positively effects their lives. It's a lot of work putting it all together but it is soooo worth it!

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