That's what the lady at the post office said to me today when I went to collect my mail. I had four packages waiting to be collected. One of them was just the knitting club magazine and yarn that I get delivered once a month. The others were more exciting.
Packages #2&3 contained these:
A couple of somewhat different titles, but they do have something in common. I was so excited to get these, they were delivered so quickly! I bought them from Very pleased with the service.
Package number 4 contained my bebook! *squee, dance, jump around* I have only played with it a little bit, but I can say that I am very impressed so far. I will write a more in depth review, complete with pictures when I have a little more time. :D
And then, the most exciting part of my day!
I went and bought an Eeepc 701 8G as they were on a 'lunatic' special at JB HIFI for $348AUD. This is a business expense and will be used for my writing. It goes along with my new year's goal of writing for at least one hour each day. The EEEPC will not be connected to our network, and will not be on the internet. I will keep it in my study and work there without distractions. (As long as I can stay away from the preloaded games!)
Ah retail therapy. There is nothing like it!