Adam and Sage

Dec 11, 2010 03:21

Gladiator and Mentor bow on either side of the door as Tessa enters the room.

"Greetings Highness." They echo each other and Sage sighs, closing her eyes briefly before briskly continuing over to Adam where he is seated at the ships computer console.

"I swear, brother, if they do not cease to call me "Highness" I shall be forced to murder your guard." She announces herself dryly. Her brother stands with a wide smile and sweeps his sister up into a crushing hug. Sage makes an exaggerated choking sound but smiles and returns the hug just as tightly. It's felt like an age since they'd had the time to see each other.

"A chance they're willing to take it seems.' He replies, holding out a long fingered hand for her to take with an indulgent smile. "You were born into a royal family after all."

Tessa ignores the smile and lets herself to be dragged from the room. "The thrown will never be mine, brother, I follow a different path."

"With your family, yes, I know." Adam laughs, nodding to the members of his guard that line the hall. "I applaud your choice, if only for the fact that I needed this."

Never one to acknowledge words of thanks, Tessa changes the subject. "This had better be as extraordinary as you say it is or I shall be very annoyed at being dragged from my work."

Adam only grins at her and opens the door to the hanger. "I think you'll like what I have to show you."

Sage says nothing but the smile on her face tells Adam all he needs to know. She turns to her brother who's smiling wider than she'd ever seen him do before.

"You have to show me how to fly it." Adam nods excitedly and pulls her down the stairs.


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