Nov 03, 2007 06:33
I am the Head cashier at my store or was I am going to be quiting soon. And the reason that I am quiting is what happened yesterday. I have my Dept Manager come collect me from the cashwrap to have a "refocusing meeting" with me, the store manager, and assistant manager. What proceeded was an hour and half lecture about what they didn't like about how I did my job. Which went 30 mins over the time I was suppose to be clocking out. I am sorry but there is only so much one person can take at a time and have 3 people going at me is more than I can take. I clocked out found my husband (who picks me up from work) and as soon as I hit the car I lost it. I just started crying. Mostly crying because most of the things they were complaining about was not how I do the job but about me. I have gone from loving my job to dreading every single day of work. I am finding a new job and quiting. I hope I can last that long.