Well Hello..

Aug 10, 2008 13:57

Wow. So it's been way over a year since I last wrote in here, so this should definitely be interesting. Nobody's obviously going to be reading this, but what the hell.

I graduated almost two months ago, which was an emotionally draining ordeal. I actually didn't cry, to be honest. But the reason why it was so difficult is because I finally realized I'm most likely never going to be seeing any of those people ever again. Obviously, I'll be keeping in touch with my closest friends, but as for everyone else, see ya! A lot of people are going away to really good colleges, some are even going as far as North Carolina, Florida and Arizona. So kudos to those people! Me? I'm going to SUNY Oswego where I'll be rooming with one of my really good friends, Carly. I'm beyond stoked because I've already met so many amazing people who I definitely see myself being friends with for a very long time. I met most of them at Orientation, where we all just clicked. I've bought about 95% of everything I'll need next year, and I've spent close to $500. I'm not even done. RIDICULOUS MUCH?! Oh well.

Let's see what else. OH! Ryan? The boy who I was basically madly in love with. He's engaged. He's engaged to his ex-girlfriend who's more or less obsessed with him and being with him. He's changed. That's what makes it so hard. He decided against the Marines, THANK YOU GOD, but as far as his future, I'm pretty sure he's going to be a cop. I'm not 100% positive but that's probably what he's going for. So good for him. I haven't talked to him since last June when I saw him for one night. It was the best night of my life though.. It breaks my heart to even think about it. Just being able to lay with him all night and just talk and laugh. It was like only the two of us existed. Then I got a call the next morning from my mom, telling (or actually screaming) at me to get home to help her with something, and forcing me to leave without saying goodbye to Ryan. That was the last time I ever saw him. I saw him lying there sleeping, unable to say goodbye. I never go to say goodbye. And awesome, now I'm sad. Which is actually quite amusing, considering the fact that I haven't thought about him since December 2nd, when he became engaged to her.

MOVING ON PLEASE. In recent news, on Thursday, I ran over an old lady. Now, I'm sure you're sitting there stunned, ready to message me and call me a heartless bitch for putting it so bluntly but let me clarify first. I was turned right onto a bridge, on my way work. I was sitting at the stop sign, looking to the right to see how heavy the traffic was. I then looked to the left for about 5minutes, until there was a break in traffic. When I looked back to the right, I lifted my foot off of the break, and rolled forward into an old lady. I obviously put it in reverse and then park and ran out to help her up. In about 20-25 minutes, everything was over. I talked to the cops, was issued a ticket, and was told to calm down because I was hyperventilating and shaking uncontrollably. The elderly lady was fine, as far as I know because I haven't received a phone call, or warrant for my arrest. The problem is, I'm actually not totally at fault here. I was watching to my right, as much as I could, considering there's a huge overgrown tree that blocks the sidewalk. So either she came from behind the tree, and crossed when she shouldn't have, or she came from the side of my car, and was coming around it, when I knocked her over. More or less, I work for a law firm, so they're taking care of it as we speak and I'm paying for my ticket.

So. After all that, I think that's my life for now. There's obviously many of stories, mostly party stories, and tales of ex-boyfriends getting knocked out by my younger brother, but I'm just going to stop while I'm ahead. Hopefully, I'll update on a later date. A tout-a-l'heure!
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