Oct 31, 2005 19:47
i feel that it is in time for an update...yes tonight is Halloween, and yes I am in the computer lab doing homework (ie. updating livejournal, with good intentions of doing homework once this is completed.) Last week was a tough one, I'm not gonna lie, the reasoning behind this difficult week was because Scott and I took a "break", i'm not entirely sure what one of those entails, because I've never had one before, but I knew that a.) I didn't want a full fledged breakup, and b.) that in my heart, i knew it would only be temporary. I'm not sure if you can really take a break from someone that you see everyday... at least twice. Friday we got back together, and i like it this way. It was our first "fight/big discussion" that we've had in 6 months, and so I say, that must mean something. Speaking of six months, Thursday is our six month anniversary...i'm pretty stoked because this is the longest realtionship I've had, I can't imagine sharing it with anyone else. [my realtionship....in a nutshell.]
This weekend was fun and Halloween filled, we went to Wayside on Friday night, I wore a toga, and really wish I had thought of some sort of fasenting device, because that bad boy almost fell completely off while shaking my groove thang on the dance floor at least ten times. and lets face it...that's no fun. I got sufficiently drunk to have a good time, and still remember my name, and so all in all I think it was a productive night. Saturday I trecked on out to the ol' grand raggidy (as scott and other locals refer to it) It was my first time down there since the Skeeters day of birth. We went to a bon fire type party. Scott and I dressed as nerds, and looked absolutly adorable if I do say so myself. It was my first time dating someone at Halloween time, and I was pumped to go as a "couples" costume. I tried to make myself look as much like a conservative nerd as possible, but even with a turtleneck, and a sweater vest I got, "britney spears" [shudder] damn my sexy legs and short pleated skirt, damn them all to hell.
All in All, the Megster is doing swell, i a few ups and downs, but they all seem to be smoothing themselves out. Senior year is proving to be full of adult feelings and decisions...what a bumpy ride.