
Apr 24, 2013 13:18

Today makes 2 years since mom died.  I am not at all sure still how to not have her around.  I still start to go into her room to tell her something (which is made worse those times I go in there and find dad sitting there with Ginny watching tv or whatever...) and be surprised that she is not there.  If she WAS there, I would not be here, but that is a whole other series of events that I don't want to reexamine right now.  I am not ready for dad to be dating, but ultimately that is none of my business, really.  He is grown and can do whatever silly foolishness he wants to.  It does affect my life in that he is not at all considerate of other peoples schedules or needs or activities, but he never has been, so there ya go.  I get offended when he comes home with her in tow well after dinner has been cooked, served, eaten, and cleaned up after and she will cook a whole other meal for the two of them, and leave all the dishes sitting there, waiting for either me or Brigid to do them.  I find it offensive when she comes over to work on the computer on her stuff at like 9 at night when dad knows perfectly well that Brigid and I go to bed at 10.  It all just gives me more incentive to finish school and get the hell out of here, really.  I miss mom.  And I resent even that I am so wrapped up in what is going on with dad that I can't properly focus a single post on that fact.
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