For Starters...
I don't care about your name, so let's skip that, ok?: yeah word
Instead, what's the best thing anyone has ever called you?: hmm that's a hard one..
How old do you feel?:17
How old do you look?: 20
How tall is your best friend?: i have a few...but tall, i don't like short people.
What color hair did your 5th grade teacher have?: brown...ahh, mr. d'a...
What color are your father's eyes?: light blue
Where do you wish you lived?: france, nyc, san fransisco...although i love boston.
A Bit Deeper Now...
Do you remember your dreams?: most of the time.
If so, tell me the one that disturbed you the most: i always have dreams about being caught with really bad shit and everything collapsing as a result
How about the one that made you feel really good?: the fun kind of dream about certain people :-)
When you were a child, did you have very vivid nightmares?: no
If so, do you remember them even now?: n/a
Were you ever betrayed by someone you trusted implicitly?: not realllllyyy...although it depends on what you mean by betray.
What do you do when you're home alone?: smoke pot (although not so much anymore), have people over
What do you think about when you are trying to fall asleep at night?: floating upstream & the lyrics to "i'm only sleeping"
Do you fall asleep easily?:sometimes
Who is the one person you could never forget?: too many of them. i don't forget people easily at all.
Who do you trust the most?: my friends...i trust people much too easily. it's because i tend to see the good in people i guess and i want to believe people are better than they really are most of the time.
Tell Me Your Secrets...
Are there things that you've never told another human being? i don't think so. i'm very open and tell a few people everything.
If so, have you ever even written them down?:na
Have you ever been deeply hurt by a friend?: not realllyyy...
If so, have you ever *really* forgiven them?: i forgive pretty easily
Are you a virgin?: negative
How do you feel about that?: whatever
Is there anything that you really regret doing?: i get carried away and act on impulse all the fucking time and never think before i do things or act and end up fucking myself over.
How about not doing?: not really.
We're Really Deep Now...
What frightens you the most in the whole world?: death, war, guns, the government.
Have you ever contemplated suicide?: yeah
Have you ever tried to commit it?: kind of, i went through the motions, but i knew i wasn't serious.
Would you donate an organ to your best friend?: yes
What if it meant you'd die, but they would die without it?: it would depend who it was
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you?: i don't know...i've pulled really good things out of all the bad shit that's ever happened to me, and i'd be a different person if none of it happened, so i'm reluctant to label one specific indcident the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
Are you afraid of death?: more than anything else in the world
What do you think happens afterwards?: no fucking clue
Are you a religious person?: no, but i am very spiritual.
What do you believe?: i believe in attaining universal consciousness and i believe there are intangible forces behind everything than most people aren't aware of
What are you passionate about?: acting, love, animal rights, peace, ending the fucking war, french
Do you carry a lot of guilt?: yes...i feel guilty about having no physical or mental defects, about living in a free country (essentially), having had a relatively comfortable life, going to private school, and knowing that if i so choose, my future will be equally comfortable. i feel guilty about being american; even though i don't drive and don't consume nearly as much as everybody else does, i feel guilty about throwing away food and getting rides and polluting the environment and throwing shit away.
Would you carry a gun?: absoltuely not
Do you have a lot of anger?: not in general, except towards very specific people/things, i.e. the election, bush, etc, when i really can't control myself and it almost scares me.
Have you ever thought you were going crazy?: i've always kind of strattled the line between crazy and sane and i'm pretty stable there.
Have you ever thought that maybe you ARE? and this is all in your head?: no, but sometimes i feel like the rest of the world is and i'm the only sane one.
Do you believe in coincidences?: um..yes?
Why?: what?
How did you like this survey?: better than the rest of them