Mar 28, 2012 22:10
So lately I have been having episodes where I am not feeling very good. I'm feeling extremely nauseous, light headed, I break out in a cold sweat...Donny is worried I am getting diabetes...but I am wondering if I am having panic attacks. I was feeling exceedingly stressed out tonight and as I was throwing in a load of laundry those symptoms popped up...I was going to test my blood sugar but I all of a sudden started having a genuine panic attack - my heart rate was going up and I was just freaked to all hell. Unfortunately I am not sure what I can do to help me NOT have any sort of panic attack...I am just so stressed out with EVERYTHING that I don't see any possible way to not freak...I just want to stop worrying. And I get things thrown at me all the time from various people - not just family - and there are just times when it all becomes too much. Sometimes I just want to run away for a week or two...just have some breathing time. But I know I can't do that for a bunch of reasons. But oh of these days I am going to figure out a way to properly cope with stress.
I am going to apply for the scholarship at the YMCA...I know Donny doesn't want me to but I think it'll be a good thing. We will see. I wish I could figure out a way to get more sleep too...but that's not really going to happen either...not for another 15+ years right? ;)
Anyway, I don't have a whole lot more right now...I am exhausted. Mentally and physically exhausted.