disciplining woes

Feb 05, 2012 22:22

I hate disciplining my child. I mean, as my husband just said when I said that to him "why? you usually make me do it" lol True, but I still feel bad. Like earlier tonight he hit me and pushed me so I put him in time out. At first he was acting like it was a game, getting off of the step and running away laughing - when he finally realized we weren't playing he got really angry that he was in time out and started crying...but he stayed on the steps. I just felt so bad when he was crying...I wanted to go get him out of time out early and say it's ok baby. But 2 minutes...and every time he gets off of the step it starts over...that's the hardest part of it. At one point he was SO CLOSE to being finished and he got off the step and ran away and Donny started his time over. I think it took like 10 minutes until he finally stayed put. Then just a little bit ago we were snuggling in Donny's and my bed reading our bed time stories - when we got to the last book and he realized after the book was finished he was going to bed he decided he was going to start getting up and doing things like turn off the light, turn off the fan, torture the kitten...I warned him like 5 times if he didn't stop he was going to go to bed and I was not going to read him his story. At one point I put him in bed and he started whining that he wanted the sleep book...so I said "ok, but you HAVE to stay in bed with mommy...you get out of bed then you are back in bed" Well, what do you think happened? Yeah, he got out of bed. So I took him into his room, laid him down and said "night night love you see you tomorrow" and he FREAKED OUT. I came downstairs and told Donny that I was tempted to go upstairs and get him and read the book but he told me I couldn't because he'd just keep thinking he would be able to get away with everything. We can't reward him for bad behavior. So I had to sit down here and listen to him screaming his poor little head off. It's so hard. I mean he's calmed down now - it only took him a little less than 10 minutes...but for a mother it is heart breaking.

Yesterday was a good day. It started snowing while I was at work - so when I got home we went out (Donny, Joey and I) and built a snowman. Then I took Joey sledding on the small hill we have in our side yard. After playing in the snow - which was melting as we were playing in it (this has been one crazy insane winter lemme tell you!) we came in and Joey hung out with his Pop while my mom and I made brunch. We had pancakes, eggs and sausage. I made Joey a Mickey Mouse pancake - he loved it! Then Donny Joey and I went down to Columbus to pick up Donny's check from his client. Then we went to our favorite tea shop for a while and the owner of it seems to be really starting to warm up to the idea of letting Donny help her with her website. Which would be great. After that we went to the mall and took Joey to build-a-bear to make his stuffed animal with the gift card that Santa brought him. And we went to a tea shop in the mall - which we aren't real thrilled with - but they had a certain tea cup Donny needed so we got him the cup. After that we went to dinner at the Olive Garden. It was so nice to get out as a family. It made me feel better about things - somewhat anyway. Donny taught Joey how to spell his name and now he walks around everywhere saying "J...O...E...Y!!! JOEY!!" it's too stinking cute.

I started to get our bedroom cleaned up tonight. I'm hoping to finish tomorrow but we will see. There's a lot to do. In all honesty until the middle room gets cleaned up it's going to be tough to do a whole lot with our room...I am *hoping* that next weekend my dad and Donny can get it done and my mom and I can take Joey out to Mansfield to get him out of their hair. But we will see. It feels like getting the middle room done will never happen. At least not as long as we live here. It'd be nice to get it done though so that we can stay upstairs more often than down here because I know my dad is going nuts being somewhat trapped in their bedroom in the back of the house because we are always out here and he tends to be an introvert. So it'd be nice to be able to have our own space and not take up my parents space. We came really close to getting it done one weekend and then we had to pile everything back in and now it's a disaster again. *sigh* We start to do it and then we put things back in. The downstairs is a total disaster right now. Hopefully tomorrow I can work on getting it picked up. We shall see. I just want our own place...if Donny gets this one job then we will potentially be able to be out on our own again late summer/early fall. His mom's friend put in a really good word in for him and hopefully will get him an interview - it's an off site job (the company is in Sioux City, IA) so Donny could work and stay home with Joey and he'd be making a regular salary...I keep praying that it will work out. I am horrible at praying for that kind of thing though...if there is a God, I feel selfish praying for stuff like that...may sound weird, but I just have a rough time praying for myself or anything that will benefit me...who knows. I better get moving though. I am going to watch this episode of Star Trek with Donny then go to bed. I have to get up in the morning to take a shower - I always feel better if I take a shower in the morning instead of at night, but half the time it's better if I take it at night because I have such a hard time waking up! It's my morning to go to work later though - I don't have to be there until 8, instead of 7:45. But I still have a hard time getting up. I hate mornings.
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