and so it goes

Sep 05, 2007 11:38

So... I think life may be starting to come under a bit more control... which is GOOD news for me. I've never felt so out-of-control of my life before!! I'm a check list, list of lists, daily planner type of person. Lately, I've become this deadline-missing (although it was an accident) stress-ball. Which I don't like. BUT. Here are good things:

1) I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
2) I started my new jobs yesterday. Which means that in 1 month's time, I will have enough money to eat. We'll overlook the fact that this month might just suck the hardest that any month has ever sucked before.
3) I had a dressage lesson with the trainer I'm working for yesterday. Good news: she sounds exactly like my instructor at home... it means that she knows what she's doing to a goodly degree, AND that I have not sadly been invaded by perfect riding aliens. She said I looked rusty (HA! Imagine that... almost 3 years since I've taken consistent lessons... rusty...) but that my foundation was a good one, and that I'll loosen up as I ride more, and take more lessons. I can't wait to go home to CO and ride more often with my real instructor...I do want to actually get better...not look...rusty.
4) my tech job is going to be pretty easy, and I think I can make some innovations in the office.
5) I GRADUATED FINALLY!! After the red tape, and all of the crap with the deadlines, and the meetings with the vice provosts, and the provosts, and the apologizing that I had to do, everything is IN, it's CORRECT, they've ACCEPTED IT, and I'm FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
6) My arm that was twitching yesterday for 8 hours quit this morning. I am very happy about this.
7) I broke down and bought lunchmeat yesterday. I just could not stomach another graham cracker peanut butter sandwich. They're good in moderation. Not as a diet. My sandwich was divine.

it's been a good day. I get to see the boy tomorrow night, and I have a lesson on Mac. Tomorrow will be good too!

jobs, money, school, horses

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