Jun 27, 2010 15:54
My kitty is sitting in a little pool of sunshine STARING at the ground like there is something there. There isn't. Except her shadow. Which is hilarious.
Whelp, I shot my very first wedding as a second photographer! I was nervous enough that I had a bizarre case of 'let's center every shot, and shoot them all horizontal-itis as a complication of the nerves. I kind of worked out of that a little bit. I'm sure the next wedding will be better. I'll post some pictures after I get them back from the premier photographer...UGH, it's kind of hard turning over my CF cards for someone ELSE to see all the horrid pictures in there with the good ones! ;)
Rode Mac today, and after much temper tantrum throwing, and ugly moments, we had some nice soft trot, some good leg yields, and some changes of direction without loss of connection. My new rocked-back seat sure offers me a little more power in my corner when he feels like just freight-training through my leg aids. Lacey was mostly good today. We had issue with the scary rail during warm up, but I'm getting more competant about working through it instead of just being a pool of "oh please don't freak out this time, oh okay, well, how about just not next time". We got to show Shelby our trot extensions, which are getting better as my abs keep getting stronger (HOLY HANNAH, who needs a gym when you're sitting trot extensions?!), I can almost keep it together for a half-diagonal complete with halfhalt back to working trot at the end without losing stirrup/bouncing around/leaning forward/leaning back/leaning to the side! Huzzah! Our walk-canter canter-walk is also gaining engagement, and our half-pass today was (in my opinion) very very good. We did do some haunches in and shoulder in on the scary-rail, just to make sure we didn't avoid it entirely.
and OH the HEPA FILTER!!!!! I bought one on Friday (THAT's a tale in itself. It took me an hour and a half, cash in hand, and the guy STILL couldn't figure out how to ring it up, so I had to pay him the cash and promise to come back and pay the balance when his manager was working in the morning...) and it was instantaneous relief for Kent's allergies. HEPA birthday, Kent, my love! May we both sleep soundly!! ;) We had his birthday BBQ last night, mmmmmmmmm kabobs on the grill. My favorite. In fact, my favorite was zucchini alternating with pineapple and red pepper. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
I'm off to clean the house a bit from last night's festivities, and try to figure out what we're doing for Kent/Kent's Dad's birthday celebration at his parent's house tonight. It's the big hayfest at the barn tonight, I'm a little bummed we may not make it out there, but I'm trying not to shove MY agenda on his family's plans. ;) Getting so EXCITED to see "Texas Heather" this week!! YAY!