Dec 15, 2009 18:57
I spent my lunch hour driving to the feed store to pick up grain... and then realized that I'd forgotten my wallet... so had to make the return trip to work, then BACK to the feed store. I had to put the feed on my credit card... friday (pay day) can't come soon enough!! Boy, recovering from this wedding thing has been tough! Things are looking up, but it's been interesting.
Not so much in the way of Christmas gifts this year, which isn't bad, I suppose. Everyone is pretty much gifted out after the wedding, and K and I pretty much feel like we've already HAD Christmas (wedding gifts). I'm getting K something small, and a few small things for my mom, sister and a few friends, but nothing of note. Instead, I've been volunteering at church, and through work for a few different charities/organizations. It's kind of nice to be doing something different to celebrate Christmas this year.
My tailbone is slowly healing, and my SI joint is improving with every treatment from the chiropractor. I guess I'm a grudging believer that chiropractic can work now. My right foot is feeling better too... but oddly, my toes on my left foot hurt a little now. Whatever, things are evening out.
I found my "Lessons from Lendon"(Lendon Gray) book yesterday in a box... I had forgotten that I had bought it! Sometimes I get 'stuck' with exercises when I'm schooling by myself, so I thought that this would be a great tool for Mac and I to work on while we're not really in lessons because of weather and schedule right now. The first 'lesson' is about going forward on a loose rein, and staying in two point -- that pretty much sounds like a dandy way to get back in the saddle after my tailbone injury, so I think it's fate! The point of the whole ride is that I won't care how he carries himself, as long as he stays forward, carries himself; I am to stay mostly in two point, leaving a loop in my rein so that I'm not accidentally confusing the 'forward' command, and basically we work on transitions like this, with a whip as reinforcement of my aids. It's nothing earth shattering, I've done warm ups like this before, but it's nice to have a plan for a schooling ride. Plus, Mac likes to NOT go forward and carry himself, and I like to let him convince me that that's how it should be...SO! It's probably a great starting place for a schooling lesson!
I made applesauce in my crock pot last night... but I overdid the honey. It's too sweet =( I'll have to try again though, I still have a PILE of apples sitting in my kitchen.
Hope everyone else is doing well... I'm working on our Christmas newsletter tonight. Everything is going to be late for Christmas, but hopefully everyone understands that I'm just now finishing Thank You cards ;)