Well, not even a whole skittle, I tried to inhale a half-eaten one, and it made the back of my throat burn. What can I say? It's a monday morning.
Driving was INTERESTING this morning. We live in Colorado, people. 1/2" of snow should NOT result in the sort of destruction I saw this morning. Two people in front of me slid BACKWARDS down the entrance ramp to I-25 because one of them locked their brakes, and the other wasn't even going 10mph before it went up the snowy incline. I assume they were trying to 'drive safely' in the snow, but if you don't have some speed under your belt when you start going up an overpass, you're not going to make it. Once on the interstate, things were better. We cruised at a modest 45mph, and everyone seemed to be levelheaded (except the one huge SUV that went roaring past at 75 in the icy lane... I DID see police lights up ahead of me when I exited for work, I wonder if that was him).
Where did the weekend GO?! I'm so wiped out today. I did stalls Friday, Sat, Sun, and this morning, had a little insomnia, nearly got bucked off of Lacey (who then got a bit of an attitude adjustment by me, and then MAMA TRISHA muahahahaha), rode an extremely wired Mac (who then ran BUCKING, snorting, squealing and farting across the pasture, back to the barn, then back out to the pasture as soon as I turned him out after our ride), had some good right lead canter steps on Ella (who was by FAR wins the 'well behaved' medal for this weekend. Go figure. Green TB mare beats out two well-trained horses), and hand walked Trisha's rehab horse who was also a delight, but did attempt to tromple me a bit last night when the "scary horse eating gate" did...nothing.
Kent and I also went looking at places to get married. Sylvandale was absolutely GORGEOUS, and by far my choice if I had a million dollars. Alas, we're going to see how close they can make it to our budget, it's definitely our most expensive and most inclusive option. We're going to be checking out Tip Top Ranch (tip from the wonderful family friends), and CC's Ranch in Masonville (another tip from family friend). We met with our friend who is a Realtor, and learned about house buying, which was awesome. And we discussed honeymoon options, which was fun. I think we've decided on the last weekend of September. The first weekend is Labor Day weekend, the second weekend would be Sept 11th (no thanks), and the leaves should be turning by the end of the month. Hopefully everything's not dry, and brown, because that's kind of the way it's headed with our decided lack of precipitation.
On top of THAT, I went to church, had a brief date with Kent (to remind us WHY we're getting married in the first place!), ate dinner at his parent's house, watched the pilot to "Dead Like Me" with the family (BIZARRE show), and suffered insomnia with complications of 'heavy cat laying on my knees' syndrome. =) Ooooh my, I'm ready for the weekend!!
Things I did NOT get done: thank-you notes for Christmas, holiday letter, editing/writing of any sort, laundry, cleaning of any sort, sleeping of any sort. I need to take a day next weekend to catch up on a bunch of stuff at home, it's almost to critical mass. That's what checklists are for!
Ooh! And I'm reading 'Predictably Irrational', which is a very interesting book about marketing. Pick up a copy at the library, it will sure make you think about the decisions you make in the retail marketplace. I also tried reading a horrid book called 'The Rustler' but the book is way to abrupt, there was no sensuousness to the plotline, no 'figuring out the character', all tell, no show, awkwardly written... I put it down, not to pick it up again.
To make it all better though, the sunrise yesterday was AMAZING. AND, I HAD A CAMERA TO TAKE PICTURES OF IT WITH!!! I still need to sit down and read the manual, to figure out some of the functions of it, but so far, I'm really enjoying it!
I have some sweet pictures of moon set that day too, but I will save those for another day =)