To be horsey! (or not. because it's freaking freezing today).
Mac is so cute and fluffy in the winter. Plus, he loves cameras, so his ears were up for almost a half hour! A blessing in its own right!
Today is cold, cold and colder. The kind of cold that Montana has all winter, but I'm spoiled since I moved back here, so I'll complain about it ;) Poor Trisha had stalls today, but I'm going to doubt that tomorrow when I do them will be any warmer/less snowy/less icy! Yesterday was a barn marathon, as it was the last day to ride for the week. (Where ARE those indoor arena fairies?!) I did stalls, and bedding (hellooooooooo allergies!), ran and got a christmas tree with my mom, and then came back to the barn. Mac was much better today, Ella was very very good for Whitney (ESPECIALLY considering she's had about a week vacation), and then Surprise and Lacey were awful. Well, I take that back. Surprise was awful for Trisha, and Lacey was mostly awful and part totally wonderful. We had a lot of spooking, and bolting, a little bucking, but boy howdy if it wasn't the best lesson I've had on her in a while! She was so revved up! I've never ridden a horse before that was so collected. So 'up'. So floaty! We worked on lengthenings, and our last one felt SO so fantastic! Trot, across the half diagonal, but I sat up, we moved together, she got all floaty, and then when I half-halted, she came right back to me. It was AWESOME! Total riding high. And totally worth my sore sore back and shoulders today. Goosey horse. Gah. I'm going to probably get all sad this week. If the weather keeps this up, it'll be no riding for me for a little bit.
Today is a day to get things done. I'm going to work on a website I'm supposed to be finishing for a friend (or was supposed to FINISH about two months ago...), and edit on my novel, take a shower, I've already cleaned my room, and then my friend Megan comes in for a visit! And Kent may or may not make it down the mountain today. I hear it's snowing like the dickens up in Vail. Anywho, love to you all!