Basta Berlusconi!

May 17, 2011 12:37

As shown in yesterday's GP: Italian women are fed up with the Cavaliere and his "piccolo"...
All over Italy, women took to the streets the other day to protest the Italian Prime minister and his view of women and men. Personally I was appalled when he remarked (as defense against being accused of being a male chauvinist pig) that "at least I'm not gay…"

I have never been much of a fan of Berlusconi. I'll grant you that Italian politics are a thing in its own division, with communists playing in the same league as the then christian democrats way back when, governments changing every few weeks/months etc. Berlusconi and Forza Italia did bring some order to chaos and initially I thought I might've been wrong.

In terms of economic policies we're not that different, but the man is a pig, pure and simple. His views of the order of things just cannot be justified. He gay-bashes to appease the pope and the catholic church, he treats women like dirt and then woes them with lavish gifts. I mean let's face it, the man is sick.

All the plastic surgery, the coloring of his hair must've led to chemical leakage into his brain, or maybe it's substance abuse, because given the number of sex scandals, the man's intake of Viagra and cialis etc must be sky high… Having tried those pills myself, I know of the side effects. I can't imagine what it's like taking several a day...
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