I got this from
geekers. And it's groovy...
Top ten things to keep in mind on LJ:10. Do not post a mere one or two sentences dripping with ennui, railing against an unjust universe. If you must complain about life, provide examples for our sympathy (and my amusement). There's nothing wrong with being unhappy. Just stop being annoying
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9. Yes it is!! Actually, it is kind of funny how some people react to you NOT removing them after they removed you, I got threatened once for not removing someone off my friends list fast enough after she had deleted me, it's not like I could even read her journal anymore as it was friends only, and it's not like I did it on purpose either, I'm just lazy when it comes to administration, and ffs it's just an lj.
8. Beware of IRC, a few years ago someone on IRC posted one of my more humiliating irc outbursts on her website, and to this day (or not too long ago) if one googled my nickname they would find the horrible *smaugpup pees all over the chan and then lights it on fire* quote. No at the time I did NOT know pee isn't flammable, I was 16 and stupid, ok?
5. I find it so very easy to type a *hugs* that it has lost all meaning.
3. I keep meaning to post my mensa entrance test results but I always get distracted right before doing so...
2. So many times I contemplate writing my entries in Flemmish, not everyone was born speaking english you language nazi!
back to nr. 8: oops, forget that last comment, i didn't mean to call you that, nr. 4: especially not where you could read it.
On my own journal I don't care about grammar much, more specific the use of capital letters, "I not i", it is nice to sometimes just write what you feel without worrying about the rules of written language. And after all it is a personal journal, everyone notes down their daily experiences in their own way. But I do my best to write as correctly as I can when commenting in the journal of someone who cares about things like that. I used to care a lot more, but the years spent in IRC channels, and surrounded by great people who unfortunately could not spell if their life depended on it, have tamed that fire.
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