(no subject)

Mar 13, 2004 17:05

I got this from geekers. And it's groovy...

Top ten things to keep in mind on LJ:

10. Do not post a mere one or two sentences dripping with ennui, railing against an unjust universe. If you must complain about life, provide examples for our sympathy (and my amusement). There's nothing wrong with being unhappy. Just stop being annoying.

9. A friends list is a convenient way to keep track of several journals. That's all. It is not a covenant. Adding someone to a friends list is not a sacred oath never to remove them. Removing them is not necessarily indicative of hatred, loathing, or shame.

8. Remember, LiveJournals and comments are a form of correspondence - more similar to public e-mail than an IRC chat. Unlike IRC, where your comment will soon disappear from the hearts and buffers of the masses, comments and posts linger. Statements proving you an asshole or an idiot will exist in a state of semi-permanence.

7. LJ-cut means never having to say "5 minutes to load pictures of your fucking cat? Son of a bitch!"

6. For privacy's sake, LiveJournal has kindly provided options like 'friends only' and 'comments disabled'. If you don't use them, then don't get your panties in a twist because someone took issue with something you posted. Your journal is not hallowed ground - it's a website on a public server, for crissakes.

5. The sincerity of any given comment will be inversely proportional to how much you begged for it. If you go fishing for a pat on the back or a verbal handjob, you'll be greeted with either stony silence or half-hearted, affected praise.

4. Hey, you know how, in middle school, if you didn't like someone, you'd slam them when they weren't around, figuring it would get back to them? Yeah, well, that shit is just as childish on LiveJournal, you dickweed.

3. Quizzes, for the uninitiated, are a clever way of being vain by proxy. Few have the brass ones to post 'I am intelligent, witty, intuitive, loyal, and oh-so attractive - just thought you should know'. Instead, they take tests and post only the results that indicate those very things. If you don't like quizzes, don't post them - but for God's sake, don't bitch about other people posting them. If you do like quizzes, please use LJ-cut if they include large images.

2. Both the LiveJournal client and the LiveJournal web interface have a spellcheck. Your journal isn't being graded, but if you'd like it to be read, a certain standard of spelling and grammar is called for. We don't want to have to run posts through our handy You-to-English dictionaries.

1. Anonymous commenting is still for pussies.

geekdom, humor

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