Look at his face...:(. Don't you just want to go up to him and say: "Aw baby, are you okay? Let me hold you..." lol. But yeah, as much as I love the twilight moms for doing all that they do, I do admit that they can carry things to an extreme. And it might be a bit disturbing that there are more seeming middle aged or older, women stalking after him on set, than us teen/twentysomethings, hmm...
Anyhoo, on to the Midnight Sun dilemma...
Really, I feel for Stephenie, and how she feels betrayed by whomever leaked parts of the manuscript. I understand that she wanted it to be as perfect as possible before giving it to her fans, and blah blah blah. But do I feel her reaction is a bit melodramatic, and emo...YES.
Lets bring out all of the facts, at least as I see them:
Midnight Sun is just Twilight from Edward's perspective. Now if it were a new story, and all of the secrets had been let out, I would see it as reason for tears, and emotion. But we know this story, its just interesting hearing it from Edward. But its not that serious.
The sad but true factoid is that this is Hollywood. If she really wanted to keep the entire thing a secret, I don't think it was wise to give copies out to certain people. Granted, the person who copied it, and leaked it, (I hope you didn't do it, Rob) was just a big meanie. But then you have to really think about the fandom your dealing with here. We're talking about crazed lunatics, lol, who will do almost anything to get peeks at new books, stalk the cast...if someone who worked with summit could get a rough cut of the movie right now, it would be posted on the internet by now. I know Steph knows all of these things, and yet, she put her heart out there and did it any way. Not wise, cuz if I was trying to keep something under wraps, I wouldn't have trusted many with keeping the secret. I would've explained to Rob as best I could, how to pull Edward off, and thats that. lol.
This is not a fact just something I was wondering about: Are you just tired of writing the Twilight World, Steph? Because she kind of punked out of writing Midnight Sun so quickly I didn't have time to blink, and it was over. Now she's so grieved by the situation that she just can't write it any more. In the state that she's in, she claims James would rise victoriously, and all of the Cullen's would die. ALL OF THEM...Thats just crazy to me. I feel like maybe she was having some doubts about writing the project anyway. It didn't even have a goal publishing date.
I think it would be more truthful if she would just come out and say what she really feels. Not trying to say that I wouldn't be just as hurt if one of my novels was leaked with out my consent. Of course its upsetting. But doesn't it seem like a cop out that you would stop writing the project all together? Take a break, fine. But stop completely? Not even putting up a fight? Then its like, if the leaked material was so horrible, then doesn't she think we want to see it polished. I mean, it wasn't even the entire manuscript for crying out loud.
Alright, I think I've said enough, by now, as long winded as I always am, you get the drift.
I had a good week, and I hope you guys did the same!